Doors and Points

I am right on track as far as visiting the homes of constituents. I went out last week several times. Once into the rhythm of introductions and the purpose of my visit these "cold calls" got easier. Yesterday I became a bit compulsive about doors and ended up going to over one hundred. It just became more fun and interesting as I learned what is going on in the West End's schools.
There conveniently enough were only a few issues which stood out in my district's community.
1) Importance of neighborhood schools
2) Importance of the arts and phys ed in school cirriculum
3) Portland is unique and should have a progressive system which values proven progressive learning models in its learning centers
I have been taking notes at all of the homes I have talked about schools for any amount of time in. I will be adding up the results and hopefully will align the issues I speak about during the campaign then later deal with once elected with these key issues.
The only real surprise I had was with the importance of phys ed in the schools. I had no idea anyone in the West End was unhappy abou this. I will have to do some more research on the topic as it has been a while since I got any PE. Any suggestions about this topic from my gracious readers would be most helpful.
The overwelming consensus of the people I have talked to thus far is that Portland school have done a great job. This positive attitude about the existing system made me feel confident I have done the right thing. By running for the School Board I was going to get an oppertunity to help the community help their schools continue to be points of neighborhood pride.
The folks I talked to really responded well to the ideas I have been "kicking around the office". They especially loved the manditory community service. Whenever I mentioned it the conversations would track on that theme for quite some time. People desperatly want their communities children to value involvement.
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