Monday, May 15, 2006

My suggestion about the cuts

MJ O'Connor says she "is trying to be as creative as possible." Why is there even mention of arts cuts when there is a 500,000 dollar cut proposed by the city? The very program that stresses the creative process most are the arts. If she really was being creative she would see this and value the creative process enough to not dampen it being tought in our schools. Portland schools need to reflect Portland's value for the arts. By always targeting programs where creativity is fostered we are threatening our young citizen's ability to be creative citizens in the future.
Every time a school committee member or superintendant says they may have to cut programs they are sending a clear message to their constituents and children. That message is, "We value everything else more than your art, music, fitness, and reproductive health." Even threats like this are dangerous to a creative economy. Portland is an example to communities everywhere. We should take our role as leaders seriously. If we threaten to cut the budget of non mandated classes like the ones mentioned how will our leadership be percieved? It is time for our city council to reflect our beliefs as a communtiy. They can do this by not making our children sacrifice their creativity to save 500,000.


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