Thank You 100 State Street

I just went down to 100 State Street to talk to the residents about who I am and what I am running for. As planned it was very easy to talk to them and I talked to a few folks afterwards about various salient issues this election. I hope I get a few votes from that. It was really nice to have the support of the other candidates in terms of fatherhood. I am afraid that Eliot has eclipsed this race in terms of importance and it was just really nice to hear that all the other candidates had been rooting for me nomatter what their opinion of my politics. Thank you guys.
I spoke with a man who had said he thought without class ranking colleges would have a harder time figuring out class ranking. Thay in turn would find it diffucult to award financial aid. This perception is not really correct anymore. Many factors other than class rank go into deciding who gets the largest amount of financial aid. If a kid gets good grades in all classes and is civicly minded they will get loads of financial aid. They will get even more if they know how to sell themselves. I recommend and will recommend schools save by eliminating standardized testing from as many classes as possible. Instead focus those funds and class hours on teaching kids how to procure grants and sell themselves so they can succeed when it is time to do so in the real world.
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