Thursday, November 09, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
Thank You Lyman Moore Middle School

It was a pleasure and honor this evening to go to a school with students so involved with their democracy. I had cancelled most of the appointments I made before the birth of Eliot but Mr. Hilton and his class were persistent. The amount of time and energy they put into their democracy really set the bar high for any other group I will come into contact with. The league of young voters, Five local newspapers, Blogs, and people whom I talked to in their own homes should know. There is a group of children. I think it transcends schools. They are going to be ready to say in the near future, "Thank you for what you have done for our schools. Now we will take over." I truly can say I met those young people today. Cheers to you all Lyman Moore Middle School students. You have my respect and ear for listening. Know that your concerns will be taken most seriously.
I was not able to answer one question as thoroughly as I woulod have liked. The question was regarding the implementation of tecnology in schools. If elected I will secure relationships with the current sources for broadband in our community to ensure that our kids have the internet at their fingertips. We should control the wireless in central Portland ad around al schools because we can screen it that way. There are ways of making our tecnology more benign. I will place the finding of these groups on the highest of priorities.